Karing Hands Massage & Skin Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions


Should You Feel Soreness or Pain During a Massage? 

It's a myth that any form of massage therapy (even deep tissue) must be painful to be effective. Pain during a massage isn't a sure sign that the massage is helping. In fact, pain can cause muscles to tighten up, making it harder for the massage therapist to ease tense areas. A "feel good hurt" is optimal.  Always let your therapist know if you need more or less pressure.

Open communication with your massage therapist is key to a massage that meets your needs. If you have an injury or chronically tight or painful areas, be sure that your therapist is aware of it before the start of the session. If the pressure is too intense, tell your massage therapist immediately so they can ease up.

How Much Clothing Should You Remove for a Massage? 

Typically, a massage therapist will ask you to undress to your level of comfort. Many people prefer to keep their underwear on during a massage, while others prefer to be nude. It's up to you. Women usually remove their bras to allow the massage therapist to work on the back and shoulder area without getting massage oil or lotion on the bra.

If your problem area is your low back or hips, tight-fitting or large underwear can sometimes get in the way of massage work. You can ask your massage therapist before getting changed.

Licensed massage therapists must ensure that you are always properly covered by a sheet or towel.  Also, your therapist will knock and ask if you are ready before entering the room.

Should You Make Conversation During the Massage? 

Although some people prefer to talk throughout the massage, don't feel like you have to make conversation with the massage therapist.  Many people close their eyes and try to relax. Your massage therapist should take the cue from you.

Deep tissue massage and sports massage are just some of the types of massage that require more feedback. The massage therapist often works on deeper layers of muscle and will want to ensure that the pressure is comfortable.

Be sure to speak up during a massage if you:

  • Feel too hot or cold
  • Are in pain
  • Have any questions about the massage
  • Forgot to mention a health issue during the consultation

What If You Fall Asleep and Snore? 

Falling asleep during a massage is very common. Many people go into a massage stressed and sleep-deprived and feel so relaxed that they fall asleep on the massage table. Your therapist won't judge you if you snore during the massage.

When Should I Avoid Massage? 

  • 1st trimester of pregnancy
  • Cancer patients (need to consult oncologist prior to any treatments)
  • Currently taking blood thinners (need to consult cardiologist prior to any treatments)
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Skin infection or open wounds
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Fever, contagious cold/flu
  • Recent surgery (must wait at least 6 weeks)